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Inserito da Finnegan
 - 27 Aprile 2024, 02:28:55 AM
Da uno dei migliori testi di diritti maschili.* Basato su una ricerca universitaria sull'androsfera durata un anno: uomini REALI, situazioni reali. Scritto da una donna:

The Marriage Strike

Why Men Don't Marry

I guess I'm one of the boycotters. . . . About 6 or 7 years ago I gradually just quit dating. Without really thinking about it, I came to the decision that I would not get married, so I wasn't interested in going through the hassle of dating. The interesting part is that I share a house with two other guys in similar situations. We all seem to have voluntarily removed ourselves not just from the population of marriageable men, but from the dating pool. One is a few years older than me, the other [is] in his early 30s. Both of them were previously married and don't seem eager to repeat the experience.
In 1970, 80 percent of 25-to 29-year-old men were married; in 2007, only about 40 percent of them were. In 1970, 85 percent of 30- to 34-year-old men were married; in 2007, only 60 percent of them were."

Chissà perché, con tutte queste donne eccezionali in giro che aspettano solo l'energia maschile :))
Quello che tante donne non capiscono è che mentre per loro il matrimonio (2.0) è un traguardo da esibire socialmente, per l'uomo è una condanna che molti non sono disposti a subire. Dite che non è vero? Ecco i dati:

Men no longer see marriage as being as important as they did even fifteen years ago.
ago. "According to Pew Research Center, the share of women ages eighteen to thirty-four that say having a successful marriage is one of the most important things in their lives rose nine percentage points since 1997—from 28 percent to 37 percent. For men, the opposite occurred. The share voicing this opinion dropped, from 35 percent to 29 percent."
Even in middle age, fewer men are getting married, especially those without a college degree [inuti£e $piegare perché]. The New York Times reports that "about 18 percent of men ages 40 to 44 with less than four years of college have never married, according to census estimates. That is up from about 6 percent a quarter-century ago. Among similar men ages 35 to 39, the portion jumped to 22 percent from 8 percent in that time." [Ma] Even college-educated men are marrying less often at 84 percent, which is a decline of 9 percent since 1980. And the marriage rates in general keep plummeting.
The US marriage rate has dipped 40% over the past four decades, to its lowest point.
The problem today is that society is not listening to what men have to say if they do open up,
Even those experts or authors who write books on the topic of male reluctance to marry and who profess to be somewhat pro-male seem to get it wrong.

A proposito di energia maschile e alfaness:

Authors Kay Hymowitz and Kathleen Parker have written books that, on the surface, seem to advocate for men. Hymowitz's Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys7.
The condescending titles alone give the impression that the authors care not so much about men as about how men relate to women.
If you want to be pro-male, using terms like "child-man in the promised land," as Hymowitz does, is not the way to do it.
When reading through these two books, I get the impression not that men are autonomous beings who deserve equality as equal citizens in a democratic society, but rather that they should be treated well enough so that they will want to marry women, have children and support them so that women will have a better life. I have a different take: I propose that men are autonomous beings who are entitled to justice and equality and the pursuit of their own happiness.
Other books, such as Guyland by Michael Kimmel or Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men by Leonard Sax, along with Hymowitz's book, treat the men's lack of interest in marriage as a kind of extended adolescence where men sit around playing video games and farting in order to ward off having to grow up. And all these "guys are losers" types stick together to add fuel to the negative image of men as boys.
Kay Hymowitz does an exacting job describing the growing flock of man/children we're seeing, and she lays out the disturbing reality of the "marriageable mate" dilemma....
Not only are there fewer college-educated men to marry, but many of those men who are available are little more than man/children—not anyone you would want your daughters to marry!
As if that endorsement of Hymowitz's book isn't bad enough as an example of the condescension these men's issues writers have for their subjects, Hymowitz, who professes herself to be "sympathetic" to men, has a chapter called "Child-Man in the Promised Land." This chapter pokes fun at the men of today who refuse to grow up and who also—much to her chagrin—refuse to participate in "more civilized society".
Another of these books on the decline of men is Hanna Rosin's The End of Men and the Rise of Women, which is frankly the most matronizing of all of these books. Rosin's main thesis is that women have pulled ahead of men in many areas of society and are able to adapt and be flexible at home and work in ways that men cannot. In fact, in her book she refers to the "Plastic Woman" who is able to bend and do everything at once and who is climbing the ladder past men. These loser men are referred to as "Cardboard Men," who are apparently inflexible and unable to adapt to the new world order.
What she doesn't mention is that this new world order is a place where men are discriminated against, forced into a hostile environment in school and later in college, and held in contempt by society—and for the honor, are expected to conform to a society for women only.
Publishers and women complain that men don't read self-help or relationship books, but after reading these books, who can blame them?
They reinterpret men's behavior to give credence to their views of men as uncivilized, verbally stunted semibarbarians who refuse to do what society expects of them: Marry women and shut the hell up!
It seems that married women often treat their husbands more like the hired help than an equal partner. Men who are married tend to see their friends and family less often.
This often translates into a man working, earning a living, helping with the housework and being relegated to the basement while the rest of the family enjoys the entire house. Does he get rewarded for this behavior? No, he is often second to his wife, the kids and even the dog. Hence, all the "doghouse" references that reinforce the idea that if he doesn't buck up and do what society and the wife expect of him, punishment will follow. Though it seems funny, it's not. Society has stacked the deck against men in modern marriage, and the guys know it.
The discrepancy between the life of the freer, single man and the life of the less respected, less free life of the married man is at the heart of why so many men have gone on strike.

It is said that men can't handle intimacy. That's not it at all. It is sadness that men can't handle and they fear that intimacy will take them there.
Women were significantly more pro-marriage than men. 86% of women were either satisfied with their marriage or interested in getting married versus 63% of men.
Monetary success does tend to correlate with sexual success for men. The average income of the 28 ALPHAs, who had an average age of 38, was 50% higher than the average at $112k.

* Smith, Helen. Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters (p.1). Encounter Books.